Erstellung des Ecommerce-Produktleistungs-Berichtes in Big Query mit Universal Analytics Daten

Im Ecommerce-Produktleistungs-Bericht finden Sie Daten über die Leistung Ihrer Enhanced Ecommerce-Aktivitäten, aufgeschlüsselt nach Produkt, Produktsku, Produktkategorie und Produktmarke.

  v2productname as product,
  -- productsku,
  -- v2productcategory as product_category,
  -- productbrand,
  ifnull(sum(case when hits.ecommerceaction.action_type = '6' then productrevenue else null end)/1000000,0) as product_revenue,
  count(case when hits.ecommerceaction.action_type = '6' then hits.transaction.transactionid else null end) as unique_purchases,
  ifnull(sum(case when hits.ecommerceaction.action_type = '6' then productquantity else null end),0) as quantity,
  ifnull(safe_divide(sum(case when hits.ecommerceaction.action_type = '6' then productrevenue else null end)/1000000,sum(case when hits.ecommerceaction.action_type = '6' then productquantity else null end)),0) as avg_price,
  ifnull(safe_divide(sum(case when hits.ecommerceaction.action_type = '6' then productquantity else null end),count(case when hits.ecommerceaction.action_type = '6' then hits.transaction.transactionid else null end)),0) as avg_quantity,
  ifnull(safe_divide(count(case when hits.ecommerceaction.action_type = '3' then fullvisitorid else null end),count(case when hits.ecommerceaction.action_type = '2' and product.isimpression is null then fullvisitorid else null end)),0) as cart_to_detail_rate,
  ifnull(safe_divide(count(case when hits.ecommerceaction.action_type = '6' then hits.transaction.transactionid else null end),count(case when hits.ecommerceaction.action_type = '2' and product.isimpression is null then fullvisitorid else null end)),0) as buy_to_detail_rate
  unnest(hits) as hits,
  unnest(product) as product
  totals.visits = 1
group by
  -- ,productsku
  -- ,product_category
  -- ,productbrand
order by
  product_revenue desc